Server Installation


1. Image processing

In the Infomaxim Components folder, change to csImageFile and from PowerShell run:-

regsvr32 csImageFile.dll


2. Export

In the Infomaxim Components folder, change to Export and from Windows Explorer launch the Setup application.

3. PDF Rendering

In the Infomaxim Components folder, change to ABCpdf and from Windows Explorer launch the Installer application.

Key: 719-253-057-515-2860-141

4. File Uploading

In the Infomaxim Components folder, change to ABCUpload and from Windows Explorer launch the Setup application

Key: 243-828-976-435-8900-221

5. Broadcasting


  • In the Infomaxim Components folder, change to Broadcasting and from Windows Explorer launch EasyMailExpress application.
    Open the SMTPExp application and and enter the License Key in the License tab.
    Enter the License Key from the txt fle in the EasyMailExpress folder.
  • Infomaxim Service
  • Bounce processing

6. Payment Gateway


7. Allway Sync

Download and install. Choose the Activate the Service option at the end of the install. Configure source and target folders.

8. RoboFTP


9. Encryption

[REMOVED] - Replaced with a Class

10. Network Intrustion Defence

Install Syspeace - dynamic monitoring of IP traffic and automatic blocking of suspicious activity.

11. Permissions

IUSR and IIS_USR Group should have full rights to IIS web and sub-folders, plus Infomaxim_Secure folder.

12. 32/64Bit Compatibility

In some cases, Infomaxim can run as a 64-bit application. This is possible where the following COM objects are not used  (NOTE: These are being replace/upgraded)

1. Export (it is possible to use a dedicated IIS with the some global.asa to resolve Export links
2. Dynamic Image Size Rendering - images can be sized automatically at publish time to avoid the need for this component
3. Image Upload / Attachment Upload
4. PDF Rendering

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